We spend most of our childhood and adolescence in classrooms learning about different subjects. They’re important because they give us a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

But we’re rarely taught how to explore our own inner world, or how to engage with, not just the world, but with ourselves and other people as well.

There’s a good chance you didn’t learn about these seven important life lessons at school. Maybe you learned them as an adult, and maybe you’re still learning them.

Don’t worry. We are all works in progress and learning as we go.

Better late than never, right?

#1: The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is incredibly popular, and that’s great news. More people should be aware of how their world really works.

Unfortunately, many of us learn about the Law of Attraction a bit late in life, and not usually because things are going well for us, but because they’re not.

We see the Law of Attraction as a way out – a tool we can use to start creating a better life.

And that’s true, but there’s so much more to it than that.

Because the Law of Attraction is super popular right now, it can also be slightly misunderstood.

The long and short of it is this: like attracts like, and what you focus on, you attract to yourself.

But many people mistakenly believe that if you focus on what you want, you’ll automatically get it. It’s not a good idea to try and fit the Law of Attraction into our instant-gratification mentality.

The Law of Attraction takes practice and patience, and it also requires us to understand three important principles.

Principle #1:

Every single thing in life is in a constant state of vibration. So, the first step to using the Law of Attraction is believing that every single thing – including you – is constantly vibrating.

 Principle #2:

Vibrations that are similar attract to each other and join together.

Principle #3:

You can control your vibration using the power of your mind.

So, if you want to attract something into your life, you can’t just think of it. You have to actually start vibrating at the same level as whatever it is you desire.

Remember, you and the thing you desire have to vibrate at the same frequency to come together.

Can you imagine if we learned this in school?

#2: Failure Isn’t Bad

We are trained to be failure-adverse because we believe failure is bad.

This is the wrong approach because not only is failure an inevitable part of life, but it’s actually not a bad thing.

Failures are transformative moments – portals for growth and change. What’s more, accepting failure allows us to be real, rather than perfect.

True success isn’t about getting everything right the first time. Instead, it’s more about being honest with ourselves what about went wrong, so that we can move forward and a new, improved action plan.

We should learn how to bounce back after failure, and not how to avoid it altogether.

This is the true marker of a life fully lived, rather than fearfully lived.

#3: Aging is OK

Women may be more vulnerable to the fear of aging than men. But both men and women should learn that aging is OK before they see their first grey hair, not after.

From a very young age, we are taught how to look young, but not how to grow old.

We have age-defying beauty products, yoga practices, foods and fitness routines. But why don’t we have practices that support the idea that “Aging is Ok”?

The renowned spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, teaches that the destiny of every single living being is to eventually dissolve. However, it seems like humans are the only beings who actively run away from aging.

How can we teach that aging is OK?

It starts by accepting aging, not just in ourselves, but in others. It starts with allowing aging to coexist with youthfulness.

It means giving just as much honor and respect to people who age, and not just people who seem to escape from it.

There’s no escaping aging, so it doesn’t make much sense to teach people that it’s possible, or even laudable.

#4: Your Thoughts Make Things Good or Bad

Eckhart Tolle doesn’t just teach spiritual lessons. He teaches life lessons that you can benefit from, no matter what your spiritual or religious affiliation.

One such lesson is that people, places or things are not inherently good or bad. Instead, our mind decides to make them this way.

In Tolle’s words, “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but the thought about it. Be aware of the thought you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral. It is as it is.”

Think of how many ways this can benefit people!

If you believe this, you can…

  • Stop taking everything personally
  • Save yourself a lot of stress, frustration, and anger
  • Move through life with more equanimity and peace

#5: You Don’t *Need* to Struggle

Many of us struggle in life, but are you willing to believe, or willing to accept the idea, that we struggle because we think it’s necessary?

For example, how many times have you heard, thought or acted out these beliefs:

  • I have to study hard to get good results
  • I have to work hard to make money
  • It’s hard to lose weight
  • Life is hard
  • I’ll have to go without
  • I don’t deserve this
  • No pain, no gain

Every single one of these phrases implies that we need to suffer in order to make it through life. But that isn’t true.

Spiritual teacher and author of “Mastering Affluence,” Carol Tuttle, teaches that “Struggle is an experience we create in this life” but it’s an “old and outdated human condition.”

We’re all very good at struggling and creating more struggle for ourselves. But we can also learn how to flourish and grow, and how to allow things to unfold easily and effortlessly.

As Tuttle shares, “Our natural God-given state is one of affluence, ease, and joy. If lack, pain, and struggle were our natural state, we’d just be okay with those experiences and not make any efforts to improve the quality of our lives…We are not okay with struggle, though, which is a message for us.”

What if we learned from an early age that we can enjoy a life experience of affluence, ease, and joy?

#6: Your Intuition Holds the Answers

Not knowing what to do is a scary place to be in. And when it comes to big life decisions, we often want other people to tell us what to do.

It’s just easier that way.

Did you know that your intuition – your inner knowing – actually holds the answers your looking for?

We are not taught this in school. Instead, we’re taught about reason, logic, facts, and deductive thinking – all of which are essential, but they don’t always provide every answer we need.

And in the process, we completely ignore our intuition – our inner knowing, which is always present, and always available to answer our present-moment questions.

How different our lives would be if we checked in with our intuition, and trusted ourselves, not just once in a blue moon, but every day.

Maybe we shy away from this kind of work because it requires us to get quiet and turn off the distractions. But once we do, we can actually hear the still, peaceful words that lie below the surface.

#7: Persistence Is More Important Than Talent

Many people give up their dreams because they think they’re not talented enough. This is often exacerbated by comparison, which we all fall victim to from time to time.

We compare ourselves to other people – people who we think are more talented and gifted than we are. But the truth is, persistence, not talent, is often what it takes to be successful in anything – from your relationships to your career, to your side hustle.

This isn’t a life lesson to make less-talented people feel better about themselves. Even renowned writers, like Steven Pressfield and Elizabeth Gilbert, say this life lesson is relevant for them.

In an interview on the Marie Forleo Podcast, Steven Pressfield shared, “The ability to overcome resistance, self-sabotage, and self-doubt is way more important than talent.”

Why? Because even if you’re incredibly talented, that doesn’t automatically transform your idea into something tangible.

You need persistence, and this is something we’re all capable of exercising.

Pressfield claims, “We cannot control the level of talent we’ve been given. We have no control over the nature of our gift. What we can control is our self-motivation, our self-discipline, our self-validation, and our self-reinforcement. What we can control is how hard and how smart we work.”

We do this by being persistent and continuing to contribute to our dreams, especially when it’s not easy, effortless and enjoyable.

Bestselling author, Elizabeth Gilbert, agrees. In her bestselling book, Big Magic, Gilbert has a chapter, aptly named “Persistence.”

In it, she writes, “On bad days, when I felt no inspiration at all, I would set the kitchen timer for thirty minutes and make myself sit there and scribble something, anything…I figured I could always carve out at least thirty minutes somewhere to dedicate myself to my work.”

When you consider that this is coming from a New York Times bestselling author, it’s consoling to know that talent isn’t all you need to create something.

You need persistence.

Most of us don’t learn about these important life lessons in the classroom. We learn them as we go. Which one do you wish you learned at school?

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