For thousands of years, people have turned to mythological and spiritual figures for inspiration and guidance. And even though we are modern people living in the 21st century, the magic and beauty of goddesses is still alluring, uplifting and sometimes even life-changing.

If you’re searching for powerful women to inspire you, here are nine amazing goddesses who provide powerful feminine energy to those who ask. Click on each of their names for an image of the Goddess.


Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt and moon. So, Artemis is often depicted carrying a bow and arrow, with a crescent moon resting on her head. If you’re searching for something in life, Artemis can help you stay true to your goals and reach them.

But Artemis is so much more than a huntress. She’s also the guardian of the forests, wild places, and women. She can help you navigate even your wildest dreams. After all, she knows the wilderness well.


Bast is an Egyptian goddess who is usually depicted as a cat, or as a woman with a cat’s head. And while women turn to Bast for many things, she is especially revered as a fertility goddess.

In ancient times, women suffering from fertility problems made offerings to Bast. If you have an affinity for cats and also want to focus on your fertility, Bast may be a good goddess to turn to.


Gaia is either the personification of the earth itself or the goddess of the earth. According to Greek mythology, Gaia gave birth to all the gods. And with Gaia, you can see the earth as a nurturing and providing mother instead of an object to exploit.

That’s because Gaia is Mother Earth. Seeing life this way can also help you feel safe, protected and cared for. What’s more, you can draw on Gaia’s strength to tap into your own maternal energy.


Gracing Norse mythology, Freya is the goddess of love, beauty, sex, and fertility. But what makes Freya special is that she encourages a deep sense of self-awareness in women.

She especially wants you to see the beauty in all things, especially yourself. So, for women who struggle to accept and love themselves, Freya can be both gentle and powerful in guiding them to see their own worth again.


You’re probably familiar with the Biblical couple, Adam and Eve. But here, we’re talking about Idun and Eve – two women whose story revolves around a special fruit-bearing tree.

Eve ate the forbidden fruit and got cast out of the Garden of Eden. Idun also had a powerful fruit-bearing tree, which offered immortality to those who indulged, and tradition says Idun shared these special fruits with others.

Aging is inevitable, but Idun reminds us that we can retain a youthful spirit and experience fresh renewal anytime. Maybe we just need to trade the mythical apples for Vitamin C-infused oranges and face creams.


Lakshmi is a Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, which is why you may see her with gold coins falling from her fingertips. But Lakshmi isn’t just the goddess of financial and material wealth. She also represents spiritual abundance. Therefore, she’s a wonderful goddess to turn to when you want to overcome scarcity mindset and replace it with a more abundant and grateful spirit.


This Germanic spring goddess represents the gentle dawn and fresh beginnings. In fact, her name and symbols, such as eggs and rabbits, were adapted into the Christian feast of Easter. For those women who need support to make it through a dark and difficult time, or for people who need to start over, Ostara can lead the way to where the light and new life is.


Parvarti is one of the many forms of the Hindu deity, Shakti, who represents the feminine energy, infusing all life.

The story of Parvarti is amusing and endearing. This determined and devoted goddess tried many tactics to win Shiva’s love. She even turned to solitude and self-mastery to win him over. Thanks to her steadfast love and devotion, Parvarti eventually earned Shiva’s love and helped him take pleasure in life again.

Therefore, Parvarti can be a wonderful mentor for when we’re having trouble opening ourselves up to the pleasures of life. She can also encourage us to continue to choose love even when it’s not always reciprocated, and when we’re not always rewarded for our efforts.

What’s more, Parvarti reminds us that it takes lots of love and devotion to embark on any spiritual journey and that it may take time for us to reap the rewards of our efforts. But like Parvarti, we can be patient and steadfast, too.


Last, but certainly not least, this famous goddess needs little introduction. She has been depicted countless times over the centuries, and for good reason. This Greek goddess represents love and beauty. In fact, in Greek mythology, other gods thought her beauty could start wars and rivalries between her many admirers.

So, if you want to be more desirable and attractive, invoke Aphrodite. It’s a good way to own your beauty and sexuality with greater confidence.

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