best-tarot-cards-for-love-relationshipsRelationships make up a fundamental part of who and what we are in relation to ourselves and the world around us.  Whether you are single or in a relationship, the power of the Tarot can help you discover or enhance aspects of your love life that you might not be consciously aware of.

There is nothing in this world that compares to the power of human relationships to provide love and  joy, or pain and suffering.   On an instinctual level we all seek love and avoid pain, but in relationships sometimes the lines can cross due to misunderstanding or  incompatibility.

When it comes to relationships, we all have different needs and preferences, and a one size fits all approach doesn’t always work.  Mainstream relationship advice mostly takes a psychological approach  and doesn’t always work as it rarely factors in the individuality of the human spirit.  The Tarot, on the other hand, is a powerful tool for discovering the unique forces that are currently enhancing or detracting from our own love and happiness.

Love, Happiness and the Tarot
Love, it’s a beautiful thing and we can never get enough of it.  Luckily, the Tarot can provide us with a road map for understanding and unlock the deeper patterns that are influencing our love and connection to others.

As you are probably already aware, in a tarot spread you can have both positive and negative cards or orientations.   In actuality, even the negative cards may not really be negative at all; as they may just tell us that we need to be more open and understanding, or that we may have gone astray on our road to happiness.

When it comes to Love, there are certain tarot cards that can give us insight into our present, past and future relationships.

Top 10 Tarot Cards for Love and Relationships
Our first 4 cards are the LOVE cards of the Major Arcana.  The Major Arcana (also known as trump cards) is comprised of 22 cards that form the foundation of the Tarot deck and symbolize the energies and karmic influences that impact the human condition.

The Lovers
The Lovers  is probably the most famous card when it comes to love. When this card appears in a spread it usually means that LOVE is moving to center stage in either a new relationship or a powerful re-bonding of an old one. This card can also represent a potential fork in the road; where you may be feeling ambivalent about a relationship or other issue in your life.

The Empress
The Empress is a symbol of unconditional love, completion, fertility, and union; all aspects that can be positive when it comes to love and relationships. Her presence also symbolizes mother earth, sensuality, and free thinking.   The Empress can also refer to birth, fertility, and pregnancy.

The Sun
The Sun is also one of the major tarot cards for love.  Traditionally, it represents success and achievement, and it also symbolizes psychic unity, where the unconscious and conscious are in harmony and acceptance.  The Sun card serves as a reminder to always be your true self and to let go to happiness, joy, and self-expression.   It can also signify marriage, children, and prosperity.

The World
Our 4th major arcana card for love is the World and it represents completion and reward in  love and relationships.  The World also represents growth, success, enlightenment, travel and new beginnings.

The next four cards are all Cups.  The suit of Cups is also referred to as Chalices or Hearts and they represent emotions, imagination and represent matters of the heart.

Ace Cups
For those that are single, the Ace of Cups is the main card that can signify the new beginnings of a love relationship. This is the card of emotional rebirth, and it also represents the spiritual aspects of love and commitment.  For an existing relationship, the Ace of cups can signify a deeper level of understanding or commitment.

Two of Cups
This card represents true love, mutual attraction, balanced partnership and commitment; all of the things that people normally look for in  love and relationships. The Two of Cups can signify a new relationship, or if you are in a relationship it can signify a proposal or new level of commitment. It can also mean a need for negotiation and cooperation with others.

Ten of  Cups
The Ten of Cups represents harmony and unity in relationships and with family. It is also a card that represents, emotional happiness and prosperity.  If you are in a relationship, then this card can represent  commitment; and if you are not in a relationship, then a “sweep you off your feet” relationship may be on the way.

Knight of Cups
As mentioned earlier the suit of cups is about love and relationships, and the Knight of Cups can mean your “Knight in shining armor” has arrived or is on the way.  The Knight of Cups can be seen as the ultimate romantic that is also highly creative and guided by his emotions.

Our final two cards in our top ten list are the Four of Wands and the Ten of Pentacles

Four of Wands
If you are in a relationship, this card can signify an additional commitment together  or possibly even marriage.  It represents completion, a new beginning or a right of passage and is a cause for celebration.  If you are single then the Four of Wands can signify that it is time to expand your social life and to start celebrating life around you.

Ten of Pentacles
When it comes to enjoying the fruits of the material world, the Ten of Pentacles is an all around great card and signifies that your life is probably going well with your relationships, your finances and with your health.  When it comes to relationships, this is a card that represents fulfillment and can signify moving to the next level, living together engagement or marriage.

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