Motivational Messages

4 Ways to Increase Your Clairvoyant Abilities

Clairvoyance is an innate ability that every man and woman possesses. Derived from the French language with clair meaning clear and voyance meaning vision, it allows the individual to uncover information about another person, place or object using extrasensory perception (ESP). But unless you've mastered the art of clairvoyance and understand its principles, you won't be able to use it for this purpose. So, what steps can you take to increase your clairvoyant abilities? Believe You Can You aren't going to effectively use clairvoyant abilities unless you stay positive and believe that you can. This is among the biggest hurdles [...]

Personal Growth Tips to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Do you suffer from regular bouts of stress? Well, you are not alone! The truth is that everyone will experience psychological stress at some point in their life. It's a normal reaction to our body's flight-or-fight response, which is designed to keep us safe from danger. But stress can take a toll on your body and mind, raising your blood pressure, triggering the release of stress hormones like cortisol, and even placing you at a greater risk of developing heart disease. How to Lower Your Stress The good news is that you can lower your stress levels through personal growth [...]

What is a Chakra? [Get the Facts]

When researching spiritual growth and development, you may come across something known as a chakra. Cultures throughout the world recognize chakras, using them for spiritual and religious purposes. But what exactly is a chakra? This is one of the many questions that we're going to answer today. Chakras: the Basics A chakra is believed to be a metaphysical energy point within the body.  According to Indian religion, they serve as meeting points of energy channels known as nadi. Our bodies have an active life force flowing through them at all times. The pathways through which this life/energy force flows is [...]

5 Fun Facts About Palmistry

Palmistry Dates Back Thousands of Years Think palmistry is a modern practice that was just recently pioneered? Think again. Historians believe palmistry originated thousands of years ago in India. During this time, the Hindu sage Valmiki wrote a book consisting of 567 stanzas titled "The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry." The practice soon spread to other regions, including China, Tibet, Egypt, Persia, and many European countries. Palmistry was Suppressed by the Catholic Church The Middle Ages saw an emergence of the Catholic Church, which gave way to new laws arguably designed to keep the church in power. What's [...]

5 Ways to Build Your Self-Confidence

Only 4% of women consider view themselves as "beautiful," according to Dove's The Real Truth About Beauty: Revisited study. Low self-confidence is serious issue that can greatly affect a person's quality of life. You may choose to avoid social situations, develop eating disorders, experience trouble falling and/or staying asleep, and more. But the good news is that you can build back your self-confidence by following just a few simple steps. Start the Day Off With a Positive Mantra There's no better way to start your day than by speaking aloud a positive mantra. This can be something as simple as [...]

Relaxation Techniques to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Do you experience regular bouts of stress? While some people assume stress is harmless, it can negatively affect both your body and mind. According to the website StatisticsBrain, 77% of the general population experiences physical symptoms caused by stress. This may include increased blood pressure, sweating, insomnia, weakened immune system, fatigue, etc. Thankfully, you can relieve stress and anxiety by engaging in one or more of the following relaxation techniques. Mantra Meditation Mantra is a Transcendental Meditation technique that involves silently repeating a word or phrase in a quiet, distraction-free environment with your eyes closed. Your "mantra" can literally be [...]

Kind Words

"Kind Words Can Be Short & Easy To Speak but Their Echos Are Truly Endless." ~Mother Teresa Kind words don't have to be long to lift someone's day.  Often it doesn't even have to be a word; it can be a simple smile or a kind gesture like holding the door to brighten someone's day.  I believe all these things really do echo upon the receiver's heart endlessly. We really never know what someone is going through and how our kindness will touch another person's life. Besides, we also benefit from these interactions because being nice is actually good for your health. [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:42:00-04:00March 23rd, 2016|Feature, Motivational Messages|0 Comments
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