Self-love is essential, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. For some people, self-love is an ongoing and arduous journey. And any support we can get in the self-love department is welcome.

One of the ways you can enrich your self-love practice is by using tarot cards. While both self-love and tarot are popular topics, you don’t usually see them together. But they should be. Tarot cards can deepen your self-love, and here are three simple, yet healing, tarot practices for your own self-love journey

Love starts with you

We all want to be loved. However, we usually expect this love to come from other people, and we forget that love starts with us. Of course, we should love one another, but when we think love always has to come from outside of ourselves, our understanding of love gets skewed.

For example, if you think you can only receive love from other people, you may think love is conditional and hard to get. What’s more, you may think that you aren’t worthy or deserving of love.

But if you believe that love starts with you, you believe that you don’t need to earn love. You give yourself love because you’re already worthy – just by being.

Another all-important reason why love needs to start with you is that how you love yourself is actually a silent cue to others about how they should love you. According to the Law of Attraction, where focus goes, energy flows.

Therefore, if you don’t give yourself love, you attract this lack of love from others. Instead of love, you attract disrespect, being taken advantage of, toxic relationship patterns and even abuse.

So, the first reason why love starts with you is that it’s your most precious responsibility to yourself. Secondly, it teaches others how to behave towards you.

Self-love creates a beautiful experience for you and everyone else in your life. But it’s easier said than done, and Tarot cards can help make it easier to love yourself.

7-day self-love tarot practice

The first way to use your Tarot is to simply ask it what you love the most about yourself. Then, draw one card. This Tarot card isn’t your answer. Instead, it’s a gentle prompt to help you reflect on yourself and answer your own question.

Spend a few minutes meditating on the card, and then journal everything you love about yourself for five to 10 minutes.

You might feel like you’re blowing your own horn. Or, you might have a hard time coming up with things you love about yourself. But don’t give up. Commit to this journaling practice and jot down whatever the card is that inspires you to write.

For example, Strength, one of the Major Arcana cards, represents strength, courage, and compassion. If you draw this card, think of the ways you are strong, courageous and compassionate, both with yourself and others. Then, love and appreciate these qualities about yourself.

Get inspired by self-loving cards

The first self-love practice involves drawing a card at random and allowing it to inspire you. But you can also be a little more intentional with your self-love tarot ritual.

In this practice, select the most self-loving and nurturing cards. Then, meditate on them and allow them to inspire you to love yourself. Consider including these cards in your self-love spread.

The Star

Rich in meaning, the Star shows a woman holding in each hand a bowl of water. The right hand (consciousness) pours water into the dry land. Her left hand (the subconscious) pours water into lush land. The Star reminds you that you have the ability to renew and find your purpose.

If you look closer, one foot dips into the water, representing her ability to listen to her intuition. Her other foot is solidly planted on the ground, showing her common sense. The Star encourages you to have faith in yourself.

The Empress

A symbol of fertility, the Empress draws on the fecund energy of Mother Earth to rejuvenate and nurture herself.

The Empress can help you recognize your own femininity and beauty, and also remind you of your own abundant nature and ability to create.


Sometimes life gets the better of us, and we live in one extreme or another. We fall out of alignment, and things fall to the wayside. When it’s time to get back on the bandwagon, turn to Temperance.

With one foot stepping on the rocks and the other dipping into the water, she reminds us of the importance of being both grounded and going with the flow.

She represents moderation and balance. But perhaps more importantly: patience, which is a quality we need when we’ve disappointed ourselves and need to start over.

The High Priestess

The world is a busy and distracted place, and it’s easy to feel lost and wayward. We lose touch with ourselves and our inner knowing, feeling unfulfilled, depleted and disappointed with life.

The High Priestess is a silent strength encouraging us to turn away from the material world and turn our gaze inwards. What does your divine energy say? What is your intuition telling you?

Ace of Cups

In this card, your subconscious mind is represented by the cup. The cup is overflowing with your emotions and intuitive flow. Hovering above the cup is a dove, reminding us that Divine love passes through our subconscious mind to conscious awareness.

When reversed, the Ace of Cups represents self-love and repressed emotions and maybe a helpful card when self-love feels inaccessible or blocked.

The Queen of Cups

This introspective queen sits on the water’s edge, symbolizing emotion, spirit, and feeling, and she encourages you to come to the water’s edge, too. Here, the quiet allows you to honor your emotions, which originate from deep within you.

When reversed, this card suggests emotional insecurity or even an unhealthy dynamic of co-dependency. So, when you need to strengthen your emotional security, look to the Queen of Cups.

Remember, you have the ability to become more attuned to your emotions and what they’re telling you, and ultimately, to love yourself.

Tarot helps you become more self-aware

The first self-love practice uses tarot cards to inspire you to praise yourself for your beautiful qualities. The second practice instead gives you the opportunity to draw strength and inspiration from loving and nurturing cards.

This final self-love practice is an opportunity to increase your self-awareness. This, in turn, allows you to grow in love with yourself.

First, become centered and ask the Tarot deck a specific question. Here are some questions you can ask:

  • Why am I feeling _______?
  • What did this situation or this person make me feel upset?
  • What do I need to navigate this situation?
  • What would a friend advise me to do in this situation?
  • What do I need in order to heal _________?

Once you have your question, ask your Tarot deck. Then, shuffle the deck and draw one card.  Tarot cards are wonderful tools to trigger our intuition. So, instead of giving you an answer, the Tarot card will guide you to listen to your intuition and your own inner knowing.

Very often, you already have the answers within you, but we’re not sure where to look. Or, we’re not sure which voice is our intuition and which one is our ego (or, our fear-based mindset).

With the Tarot to guide you and point you in the right direction, you can decipher the voice of your intuition and inner knowing, and feel brave enough to listen to it. And with greater self-awareness, you can increase your self-love, too.

Tarot is a nurturing and gentle way to practice self-love. Whether you draw your strength and inspiration from The Star, The Empress or the quiet Queen of Cups, each one is there to support you in your own self-love journey.

Still, need assistance with Tarot cards then click on the link below for some insight…

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