3 Card Simple Tarot Spread

A simple 3 card Tarot Card Reading. For information on the meaning of the card just hover your mouse over the card.

Card 1:

The Past

Tarot Card - The Lovers

Click on the name of the card above for more information on the Tarot Card. (Card opens in a new window)

Card 2:

The Present

Tarot Cards - The Five of Pentacles

Click on the name of the card above for more information on the Tarot Card. (Card opens in a new window)

Card 3:

The Future

Tarot Cards - The Queen of Wands

Click on the name of the card above for more information on the Tarot Card. (Card opens in a new window)

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Important Notice:

Our free online Tarot card readings are to be considered as a guide only. Interpreting the Tarot takes many years of practice; depending upon the way in which the cards fall or are laid out in a spread has great bearing on their individual meaning. The readings and meanings given are for entertainment purposes only.

The cards used in our Free Online Tarot Card Readings are a combination of several different Tarot decks. For more information on the cards used and our sources, please click here.