The 5 Most Common Types of Tarot Spreads: How to Lay Out the Cards & Interpret the Layout

Tarot spreads are specific patterns in which tarot cards are arranged during a reading. Each spread serves a unique purpose, providing insights into different aspects of life or answering specific questions. As a tarot reader, understanding the most common types of tarot spreads and how to lay out the cards is essential for conducting meaningful and accurate readings. In this article, we’ll explore some popular tarot spreads and guide you on how to set up the cards for each spread.

1. Three-Card Spread: Past, Present, Future

The Three-Card Spread is one of the simplest and most versatile tarot spreads. It offers concise insights into a situation by revealing the past, present, and future influences. To set up the Three-Card Spread, follow these steps:

Layout: Shuffle the tarot deck while focusing on your question or intention. Draw three cards from the deck and place them side by side, left to right.

Interpretation: The first card represents the past influences related to the question. The second card signifies the present circumstances and current energies. The third card offers insights into the potential future outcomes or guidance for moving forward.

2. Celtic Cross Spread: Comprehensive Insights

The Celtic Cross Spread is one of the most popular and comprehensive tarot spreads. It provides in-depth insights into a situation or a general overview of the querent’s life. To set up the Celtic Cross Spread, follow these steps:

Layout: Shuffle the tarot deck and draw ten cards, placing them in the following order:

  1. Card 1 (center): Represents the current situation or the heart of the matter.
  2. Card 2 (crossing): Signifies the challenge or the obstacle the querent is facing.
  3. Card 3 (above): Represents the subconscious influences or the root of the situation.
  4. Card 4 (below): Symbolizes the foundation or the past influences.
  5. Card 5 (left): Represents recent events or the conscious influences.
  6. Card 6 (right): Signifies future possibilities or the near future.
  7. Card 7 (crowns): Represents the querent’s attitude or their aspirations.
  8. Card 8 (external): Symbolizes external influences or others’ impact on the situation.
  9. Card 9 (hopes/fears): Represents the querent’s hopes or fears related to the situation.
  10. Card 10 (outcome): Signifies the potential outcome or resolution.

Interpretation: The Celtic Cross Spread offers a detailed narrative, weaving together various aspects of the querent’s life or situation. Interpret each card’s meaning in the context of its position, considering the connections and interactions between the cards.

Celtic Cross Example

3. Relationship Spread: Love and Connections

The Relationship Spread is specifically designed to gain insights into romantic relationships or connections with others. To set up the Relationship Spread, follow these steps:

Layout: Shuffle the tarot deck and draw five cards, placing them in the following order:

  1. Card 1: Represents the querent’s perspective or current feelings about the relationship.
  2. Card 2: Signifies the other person’s perspective or their current feelings.
  3. Card 3: Symbolizes the strengths of the relationship or positive aspects.
  4. Card 4: Represents the challenges or obstacles the relationship is facing.
  5. Card 5: Signifies the potential outcome or the future of the relationship.

Interpretation: The Relationship Spread delves into the dynamics of the connection, offering insights into the emotions, challenges, and potential direction of the relationship.

4. Decision-Making Spread: Weighing Options

The Decision-Making Spread is ideal for seeking guidance when faced with a significant decision or crossroads in life. To set up the Decision-Making Spread, follow these steps:

Layout: Shuffle the tarot deck and draw six cards, placing them in the following order:

  1. Card 1: Represents the situation or the decision at hand.
  2. Card 2: Signifies the potential consequences or outcome of Option A.
  3. Card 3: Symbolizes the potential consequences or outcome of Option B.
  4. Card 4: Represents the pros or positive aspects of Option A.
  5. Card 5: Signifies the pros or positive aspects of Option B.
  6. Card 6: Represents the ultimate advice or guidance for the querent.

Interpretation: The Decision-Making Spread assists the querent in understanding the possible outcomes and weighing the pros and cons of each option, ultimately guiding them toward the best course of action.

5. Horseshoe Spread: Addressing Concerns

The Horseshoe Spread is suitable for gaining insights into a specific concern or issue the querent is facing. To set up the Horseshoe Spread, follow these steps:

Layout: Shuffle the tarot deck and draw seven cards, placing them in a semi-circle as follows:

  1. Card 1: Represents the past influences or factors leading to the current situation.
  2. Card 2: Signifies the current circumstances or the heart of the matter.
  3. Card 3: Symbolizes the future possibilities or the potential outcome.
  4. Card 4: Represents the querent’s attitudes or how they are approaching the situation.
  5. Card 5: Signifies external influences or factors impacting the situation.
  6. Card 6: Represents the querent’s hopes or fears related to the issue.
  7. Card 7: Signifies the overall advice or guidance for addressing the concern.

Interpretation: The Horseshoe Spread offers a comprehensive exploration of the querent’s concern, providing guidance and insights on how to navigate the situation effectively.


Tarot spreads are powerful tools that provide valuable insights and guidance for various aspects of life. As a tarot reader, familiarizing yourself with the most common spreads and their layouts allows you to conduct meaningful and accurate readings for yourself and others. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a specific question or exploring the depths of your spiritual journey, tarot spreads open the door to self-discovery, empowerment, and enlightenment.


Can I create my own tarot spreads?

Absolutely! As you become more experienced with tarot, feel free to design your own spreads tailored to specific questions or themes. Personalized spreads can offer unique perspectives and insights into individual situations.

Can tarot spreads provide definitive answers?

Tarot readings offer guidance and insights, but they are not definitive predictions. The cards reflect current energies and potential outcomes based on the querent’s actions and choices. Tarot encourages free will and empowers individuals to take charge of their lives.

How often should I use the same tarot spread?

There are no set rules for using a tarot spread multiple times. Some readers may use the same spread for consecutive readings, while others may switch between different spreads based on the nature of the question or situation. Trust your intuition and choose the spread that feels most aligned with your current needs.