How to accept and be open to positive change in your life

How to accept and be open to positive change in your life

Are you ready for a positive change in your life? You probably want to set the wheels in motion, but wanting positive changes isn’t enough. Keep reading to discover how to accept and be open to positive change in your life.

Why you’re not getting the positive change you want.

What kinds of positive change do you want in your life? Maybe you want to end a toxic relationship. Or, put in your two week’s notice and take a brave leap into a new career.

Whatever your version of positive change is, be proud of yourself. You’re recognizing that where you are right now doesn’t fulfill you, and you want something that does.

But wanting positive change isn’t enough. For example, you may want great relationships, or financial affluence. But if your subconscious beliefs say you’re not worthy of these things, no amount of wanting them will make them magically appear.

So, if you want to accept and be open to positive change in your life, the first thing you have to do is cultivate beliefs that say: I am 100% worthy of these things. Then, you have to act on these beliefs – even if you don’t believe them yet. Let’s get started.

Whenever you say no to things that aren’t worthy of you, you make room for all the wonderful things you ARE worthy of.

How subconscious beliefs impact your self-worth

One of the most scary things about subconscious beliefs is that even though they’re not true, we act as though they are. So, if your subconscious belief says, “I’m not good enough,” you act in ways that align with this belief.

Limiting subconscious beliefs can look like:

• No-one would ever hire me
• I’m such a loser
• He or she is better than me
• I’m never gonna make it
• I don’t fit in
• No-one likes me

All of these subconscious beliefs say destructive things about yourself.


• l don’t have high value in this world, and
• I’m not worthy of the good and positive things that life has to offer. I don’t deserve them.

With this kind of subconscious programming, we act in ways that prevent positive changes from coming to us. And if they do, they don’t stay for long.

So, what are you supposed to do? It’s not enough to just believe you’re worthy of positive changes and voila! There they are. You have to replace limiting beliefs with affluent ones. You have to start acting as though you’re worthy of positive changes, even if you don’t feel like you are.

Let’s take a look at the limiting beliefs we listed above and assign a new belief to each one. These are inspired by the spiritual teacher and queen of positive affirmations, Louise Hay:

• No-one would ever hire me = I am welcoming new and exciting job opportunities
• I’m such a loser = I love myself just the way I am
• He or she is better than me = I am happy, whole and complete
• I’m never gonna make it = Life supports me in every possible way
• I don’t fit in = I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing
• No-one likes me = I rejoice in the love I encounter every day

Once you identify the limiting beliefs that lower your value or your self-worth, you can uproot them and replace them. You can start to create a belief system that supports you in accepting and receiving positive changes in your life.

How to accept and be open to positive change in your life (Inspire Quote) How to be open to positive change in your life

Reprogramming your beliefs is a continual practice. It’s something you can – and should – do everyday. There’s no deadline. But here’s the thing: Don’t wait until you FEEL worthy to start ACTING like you are. Sometimes, we need to fake it ‘till we make it and play mind over matter. Here’s how you can start doing that.

1. Say No

Saying No may seem counter-productive. Shouldn’t you shift into accept-and-be-open mode? Yes, but in order to say yes to all the things you’re worthy of, you need to start saying no to everything you’re not worthy of.

Every time we settle for less, or slip into people-pleasing mode, or ignore our gut instinct, we send a message to the universe: I’m not worthy of what I want. I don’t value myself. And we attract low value-experiences and situation that we’re not worthy of either.

So, start saying no. This simply means, say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no. It will take practice, fortitude and forgiveness, because let’s face it – old habits die hard. But remember this. Whenever you say no to things that aren’t worthy of you, you make room for all the wonderful things you ARE worthy of.

2. Play big

Where are you playing small in your life? Where are you downplaying yourself and your brilliant potential? In what life areas have you taken your light and put it under a bushel basket?

When you play big and take up space, you send a message to the Universe that says: I am worthy of my life, and I have something to say and do here.

Now’s not the time to hide. Now’s the time to play big and take up space. When you do this, you send an energetic message to the Universe that says: I am worthy of my life. I am worthy of this space. This space belongs to me and I have something to say and do here.

Theoretically, this sounds great, but what does it look like in real life?

It means asking for a raise, or raising your hand in a board meeting. It means spending less time with people who drain you, and seeking people who do the opposite. It means standing with two feet firmly planted, and staying grounded no matter where you are. It means taking a deep breath, and then, taking another one.

Taking up space will look different for each person. What does it look like for you?

Believe there are positive changes for you

There’s an infinite number of positive people, places, things and experiences in this world. The Universe is more than happy to match them with people who will be proud custodians of these positive, joyful, high-vibrating experiences. With the tips laid out here, that can be you, too.

So, now it’s your turn.

1. It’s time to replace your limiting subconscious beliefs with beliefs that say: I am worthy of an amazing life.

2. It’s time to start acting on this belief even if you’re not 100% convinced. The more you act and challenge your old thinking patterns, the more it will become true.

3. Start saying No, and

4. Start taking up space

This is how to accept and be open to positive changes in your life. This is how we say to the Universe: I’m ready for positive change and I’m the perfect candidate for all that’s in store for me.