
Life Lessons from 7 Major Arcana Cards

Western thought has long been dictated by scientific inquiry and skepticism. We generally pride ourselves for being rational and logical. However, despite our adherence to scientific thinking, there is a growing interest in the spiritual - a Force or Energy that we can’t actually codify and analyze. This rising interest in spirituality may be due to the growing uncertainty of our world and the dissatisfaction we have toward long-standing institutions. They are failing to give us the underpinning we’re desperate for. Despite the sensible scientific-ness of it all, people are hungry for guidance and encouragement from Someone - or Something [...]

Important Lessons from 7 Major Arcana Tarot Cards

Each of the Major Arcana cards represents an important lesson and archetypal theme. You can easily see them playing out in your own life, too. That makes these cards incredibly relevant, and a powerful source of spiritual wisdom and guidance. It’s completely natural to feel a close affinity to one card over another. But it’s important to remember that each of the Major Arcana tarot cards has an invaluable gift to offer. By getting to know the deep lessons nestled within each card, you can glean deep insights into your heart and mind. Major Arcana cards There are 22 Major [...]

Mindful Ways To Connect With The Earth’s Energy

We are not separate from nature. We are part of it. Yet, our modern day lives are very good at separating us from the earth’s energy. This schism leaves us fractured and disconnected. Countless people suffer because they’ve lost touch not only with the earth’s energy but also with their own nature and their own inner wisdom and energy. The earth’s energy is the perfect remedy for this modern-day disconnect. When you open yourself up to receive the earth’s energy, you can restore balance and start a powerful process of self-healing. The Earth’s Energy and Your Body’s Energy The earth [...]

How to Use Tarot to Heal Your Body

Both spiritual teachers and modern science confirm the mind-body connection. Thanks to this powerful interaction between the body and mind, we can use energetic tools to heal dis-ease and discomfort in the body. Tarot is one such tool you can use to start healing the body - all by addressing your mind. Western thought has done an excellent job dissecting the human body. With just one look at the sciences, we see that the human body is made up of many separate systems and parts - all coming together to make the human body. But this is all a bit [...]

Enrich Your Self-Love Practice Using Tarot Cards

Self-love is essential, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. For some people, self-love is an ongoing and arduous journey. And any support we can get in the self-love department is welcome. One of the ways you can enrich your self-love practice is by using tarot cards. While both self-love and tarot are popular topics, you don’t usually see them together. But they should be. Tarot cards can deepen your self-love, and here are three simple, yet healing, tarot practices for your own self-love journey Love starts with you We all want to be loved. However, we usually expect this [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:07-04:00November 14th, 2018|Feature, Personal Growth Articles, Tarot Articles|0 Comments

How to Make Your Zodiac and Moon Signs Work for You

Zodiac and moon signs are a trendy topic. You can pick up just about any newspaper or magazine, and find a horoscope for your viewing pleasure. There are even more astrological resources available online. And on the one hand, it’s wonderful that astrology is so widely accepted, but its popularity has also led to a lot of overreaching generalizations and vague information - information that we nonetheless accept as true. Unfortunately, this isn’t the best way to use astrology. In fact, when you use astrology in this way, you limit yourself and make it more difficult to live an authentic [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:08-04:00October 10th, 2018|Feature, Personal Growth Articles, Tarot Articles|0 Comments

A Spiritual Guide after Someone Commits Suicide

After someone commits suicide, the people left behind face incredible challenges. Along with feeling immense grief, they can feel guilty for not being able to prevent the suicide. Feelings of anger and confusion are compounded by the intense fear and worry about the loved one’s soul: what will happen to them? It’s easy to feel completely helpless when someone commits suicide. But did you know you can support the soul of someone who ends their earth experience? This spiritual guide can help both you and the soul of someone who commits suicide. Why it’s important to not get stuck in [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:08-04:00September 12th, 2018|Feature, Personal Growth Articles|2 Comments
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