
How to Create Greater Alignment with Yourself and Others with Lavender Gems

Alignment. It’s the spiritual version of having all your ducks in a row. And it feels great: you feel alive, energized and centered. But for many individuals, alignment isn’t a regular experience, and this can negatively impact how you feel, think and interact with others. Something’s always “off.” There are many energetic ways to change this, and using lavender gems is a gentle, yet powerful practice to help you create greater alignment. Here's why. What does it mean to be in alignment? We all have a special calling. It’s something meant just for you. It’s like having a homework assignment  [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:08-04:00August 8th, 2018|Feature, Spiritual Healing|0 Comments

9 Female Goddesses to Inspire You to be a Powerful and Loving Woman

For thousands of years, people have turned to mythological and spiritual figures for inspiration and guidance. And even though we are modern people living in the 21st century, the magic and beauty of goddesses is still alluring, uplifting and sometimes even life-changing. If you’re searching for powerful women to inspire you, here are nine amazing goddesses who provide powerful feminine energy to those who ask. Click on each of their names for an image of the Goddess. Artemis Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt and moon. So, Artemis is often depicted carrying a bow and arrow, with a [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:08-04:00July 11th, 2018|Feature, Spiritual Healing, Tarot Articles|1 Comment

Coping with the Fear of Rejection

The fear of rejection is very real and it’s no wonder why. Rejection hurts. Plain and simple. And it doesn’t matter if it happens at home, at work, or in other social settings. Rejection is painful, and so we avoid it at all costs. After all, who wants to get hurt? But rejection is inevitable, so it’s a good idea to learn how to overcome the fear of rejection and learn to cope with it when it does happen. The fear of rejection is millions of years old We all want to belong. But this isn’t anything new. In an [...]

Flower Essences to Overcome Negative Emotions and Stress

Every spring, Mother Nature goes through an extraordinary transformation. And perhaps one of the most beautiful aspects of springtime is when all the flowers go into bloom. These blossoms are certainly a sight for sore eyes after a long, cold winter, and they definitely help to lift the spirits. But flowers can also help to overcome negative emotions and stress in other ways, too. One way is with flower essences  - a simple method that taps into some serious flower power. And what better time to introduce flower essences into your life than during springtime? What are flower essences? Flower [...]

How to Find and Understand your Moon Sign

Most of us are familiar with the 12 sun signs. They’re so popular that even people who aren’t really invested in astrology know their signs. What’s more, we identify ourselves with these zodiac signs, saying things like, “I’m an Aries” or “Pisces” or whatever your sign is. But your personality is so much more complex than that, and so is astrology. The difference between sun signs and moon signs Sun signs are important and offer a lot of insight into your personality. However, these 12 signs are a simplified approach to astrology. That’s because they only focus on the position [...]

How to Gently Kick Start your Energetic Healing

Energy surrounds us. In fact, everything - including you and I - is a manifestation of energy. And if you’re not careful, your energy can get stuck and stop flowing freely. When this happens, emotional and physical problems can show up in life. It’s safe to say that most of us have blocked energy in our bodies, making energetic healing necessary if we want to experience greater peace and wholeness. To get you started, here are some healing practices to consider. And as always, if something resonates with you, pursue that path. Your curiosity often leads the way to exactly [...]

Feeling stuck and indecisive? 11 tips to get moving again

When we’re feeling stuck and indecisive, we don’t know where to go or what to do. And in the end, we don’t do very much. Strangely enough, this inaction is very draining and takes up a lot of our mental energy. So, the next time you want to get un-stuck, follow these 11 tips and get clear again. Listen to your feelings Neurologist and author, Antonio Damasio, has discovered that when the area of the brain, which processes emotions, is damaged, we lose our ability to make decisions. That’s how important our emotions are when forming decisions! So, when you’re [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:08-04:00February 14th, 2018|Feature, Personal Growth Articles, Spiritual Healing|0 Comments
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