Tarot Articles

Tarot Articles

Tap Into Consciousness and Reach Your Potential

Have you ever felt stuck in your life? You’re not alone. That might make you feel a little better, but it doesn’t really help you get un-stuck. So what does? Well, you can consult countless books, podcasts and life hacks to change your situation. But there’s one thing they have in common, and it’s a problem. The problem is that these tools often tell you that the solution to your problems is outside of yourself. So, we forget about a powerful tool we already have inside: consciousness.

By |2019-12-18T14:22:02-05:00October 14th, 2019|Tarot Articles|Comments Off on Tap Into Consciousness and Reach Your Potential

What To Do When You Feel Depressed After Something Great Happens

You’ve been waiting for the special day to finally arrive. But when it does, you feel down and depressed. Not exactly how you expected things to play out, right? You’re not alone. Many people get depressed after something good happens. But that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. There are many reasons why we feel bad in the wake of positive events. But there are mindful ways to feel better, too. Here are 4 of them. #1: Anticipatory joy Research published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that “The state of anticipating and desiring a product may be [...]

How To Use Your Mind To End Suffering In Your Life

Come on, can you really use your mind to end suffering in your life? That probably sounds a bit gimmicky. But we’re not talking about a secret magic trick that makes your troubles disappear in a poof. Instead, we’re talking about your mind. And how you can use it to create or eliminate suffering. It all depends on you. Most people want to end suffering. And it’s safe to say that you do, too. So, let’s explore this concept together, shall we? Suffering and pain are different We often think of pain and suffering as interchangeable, but they’re not. And [...]

Working With These 4 Chakras Could Help Ease Depression

Depression affects millions of people worldwide. But we don’t all experience depression in the same way. It can be mild, moderate, or immobilizing. And if you have depression long enough, it’s hard to imagine life any other way. In other words, it feels like you’re stuck, and that you’ll never get unstuck. But no matter what your inner demons say, you can rise above your depression. And working with your chakras can help. Chakra basics Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel.” So, when we talk about chakras and the human body, we’re referring to energetic wheels that have [...]

What To Do When You Don’t Like or Identify With Your Zodiac Sign

Even if you’re not a diehard fan of astrology, there’s still a good chance you know what your zodiac sign is. And while many people easily identify with (and therefore, like) their sign, there are many individuals who don’t - maybe even including you. The reasons for this vary. Maybe your sign seems inaccurate or vague. Maybe you don’t like the stereotypes associated with it. Or, maybe it feels like your sign puts you in a box. And because your zodiac disappoints, you think astrology has zero credibility. But consider that there’s more to your zodiac sign than meets the [...]

7 Important Life Lessons You Never Learned At School

We spend most of our childhood and adolescence in classrooms learning about different subjects. They’re important because they give us a deeper understanding of the world we live in. But we’re rarely taught how to explore our own inner world, or how to engage with, not just the world, but with ourselves and other people as well. There’s a good chance you didn’t learn about these seven important life lessons at school. Maybe you learned them as an adult, and maybe you’re still learning them. Don’t worry. We are all works in progress and learning as we go. Better late [...]

More Lessons from the Major Arcana Tarot Cards

Are you looking for guidance and encouragement from Someone - or Something - wiser than you? Something that can cut through the distractions of daily life? Have you considered the Major Arcana cards of Tarot? If not, maybe it’s time you do. Tarot has 22 Major Arcana cards, and they’re considered the foundation of the Tarot because they represent the big picture in life. On every Major Arcana card, there is an archetypal figure who illustrates important life lessons and themes - themes that probably play out in your life, too. It goes without saying that you may feel deeply [...]

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