Motivational Messages

Connecting to Source: Guidance from Today’s Most-Loved Spiritual Teachers

There is so much more to life than the physical world. Nonetheless, the physical world is very good at distracting us from the spiritual realm. It can be challenging to connect to the Source amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. So, let these spiritual teachers inspire you to reconnect again. You’re much closer to the Source than you realize! Deepak Chopra “Human beings are made of body, mind, and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness.” Deepak Chopra’s is reminding us that our human nature [...]

Happiness Comes from Within

What is happiness? Happiness is a feeling, it is a state of mind where we feel pleasure and enjoyment.   Unfortunately, in our culture, the true feeling of happiness is often hard to obtain or is fleeting as we mentally equate happiness with achievement and the fulfillment of life situations and material things. Regrettably, material things and achievements do not provide lasting happiness; although they may give us some joy, this type of happiness never lasts and dissipates rather quickly as our mind wants new things or starts to focus on the things that we don't have. Happiness is a State [...]

Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels: Is there a Difference?

We share the world with many energetic beings. There are angels, guardian angels, archangels, spirit guides and spirits, just to name a few. And even though these names are often used interchangeably, there are actually specific differences between all of them. So, let’s get to know spirit guides and angels, what makes them different, and how we can connect with them better! Spirit Guides and Angels are Light Spirits Both Spirit Guides and Angels are what we call “Light Spirits”, they exist completely and fully in Divine light. Because of this, they are loving, compassionate and only want the best [...]

For a Happier Life, Make Yourself a Priority

I truly believe that self-love is the most important love of all. Does that sound selfish? It really isn’t because a person who has ample self-love is secure enough to not depend on others for all the wrong reasons. Self-love is liberating as it enables us to not enter the most important relationships in our life with the mindset of getting something out of them. As vicious patterns of neediness break, we learn to celebrate our partnerships and relationships as the holy grounds for unconditional love that they truly are. If you have always been too busy taking care of [...]

Spiritual Guidance for Career Success and Abundance

Have you ever wondered how a seed turns into a giant tree - was it hiding inside the seed all along? This can’t be true because when the seed is split open, there’s nothing to be found in it! In reality, the giant tree emerges out of nothingness along with everything else in the finite world. There is a certain Divine intelligence at play here, and everywhere else, which ensures that an acorn seed turns only into an oak tree. If everything in nature can fall into place through the Divine intelligence prevalent in it, won’t this work for our [...]

The Universe is Filled with Infinite Possibilities

The Universe wants to give us blessings but we have a responsibility as well.  We can't just sit back and expect it all to fall in our lap without any action on our part.  It is in our best interest to stay in a positive vibration - watching our thoughts, words, and visions.  We really can create our reality and bring our dreams into the present.  There is evidence that our minds do have a huge impact on our bodies. As Albert Einstein said... "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." So, open your [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:45-04:00November 9th, 2016|Feature, Motivational Messages|1 Comment

Is It My Imagination? (How to Trust the Messages You Receive)

The most common question people ask is if it’s all in their head. This is the ego’s way of distracting you from hearing the messages of your angels and the guidance of your Heavenly Father. Your intuition is your connection with the Divine – it is the channel through which the Universe speaks to you. Unfortunately, as we get older, and become more conditioned by society, we start losing our ability to connect with the Divine. How to Connect with your Guides? Just like the moon gets reflected in a clear lake when the waters are still, the Divine is [...]

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