There is so much more to life than the physical world. Nonetheless, the physical world is very good at distracting us from the spiritual realm. It can be challenging to connect to the Source amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. So, let these spiritual teachers inspire you to reconnect again. You’re much closer to the Source than you realize!

Deepak Chopra

“Human beings are made of body, mind, and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness.”

Deepak Chopra’s is reminding us that our human nature is actually designed for connection to the Source. Your spirit – just like your body and mind – needs to be nurtured properly. And it’s important for your spirit to connect to a greater Source.

Eckhart Tolle

Even though this Source of everything is greater than we are, it isn’t far away. Eckhart Tolle teaches that Source “is deep within every form…it is accessible to you now as your own deepest self, your true nature. But don’t seek to grasp it with your mind…You can know it only when the mind is still.”

Your spirit doesn’t just connect you to the Source of everything. It’s already deep within you. Pretty amazing, right?

We only need to find silence and stillness to connect with it.

Mother Teresa

Another revered teacher, Mother Teresa, affirmed Tolle’s teaching when she said, “God is the friend of silence. See how nature—trees, grass, grow in silence; see the stars, the moon, and the sun, how they move in silence…. We need silence to be able to touch souls.”

You can move in silence, too! Just take a cue from the beautiful world around us.

Lao Tzu

This ancient teacher recognized the importance of silence and his words are still relevant today. He continues to remind us that “Silence is a source of great strength.”

Why? Because, as Dr. Wayne Dyer taught, silence is where you “make your personal and conscious contact with God.”  

So, from Lao Tzu all the way up to Eckhart Tolle we see that the Source is already within us, and always accessible to us. We just need to enter into a state of stillness and quiet. But how can we do that when we’re all so busy and distracted?

Create Stillness and Silence

When you acknowledge and honor your spiritual nature, you can set aside time to cultivate this much-needed stillness each and every day. Here are some easy ways to do that.

  1. Find a quiet place
  2. Set the intention to connect with the Source
  3. Still the mind and open it to the Source by choosing any of the following methods: Breathing Techniques, like Nadi Shodhana and Kapalabhati; meditation; writing to your intuition; journaling; prayer, and yoga.

 Open Your Third Eye with Carol Tuttle

It’s easier to connect to the Source when your 6th chakra, or Third Eye, is open. With mindfulness and awareness, you can open it again.

“Om” is a perfect mantra for the crown chakra. By chanting “Om”, you can actually activate the pineal gland and pituitary glands, which in turn activate this chakra. This is important because as Carol teaches, this physical location is where the spirit sits in the body.

You can also support your 6th chakra with purple and violet colors. So wearing purple clothing, or keeping crystals like amethyst nearby, are helpful practices, too.

These teachers can support you as you deepen your connection to the Source. We hope their wisdom will open many peaceful and joyful experience to you.

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