“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” ~Jack Canfield

Fear is an emotion caused by anxiety or the uneasiness of being afraid of something or someone.

I am sure a lot of you have are familiar with the following acronym for FEAR …





Yes, there are some things to really be afraid of like a big lion chasing after you or like the photo shows jumping from cliff to cliff.  However, when you break it down how often do actual lions really chase us?

I believe more often than not we tend to be afraid of making personal changes in our life that if made would typically make us a better, happier person.  Things like career changes, relationship changes, and physical changes (the dreaded exercising).

When I think of the personal changes that I can control along with the above acronym, it really is false evidence appearing real.  We think by making those changes it’s like jumping from cliff to cliff but in reality it’s really like stepping off the curb.  So if we can change our mindset on some of the personal changes, we may not find them to be so fearful.

If you still need help overcoming your fear, get help here …

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