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How to Find and Understand your Moon Sign

Most of us are familiar with the 12 sun signs. They’re so popular that even people who aren’t really invested in astrology know their signs. What’s more, we identify ourselves with these zodiac signs, saying things like, “I’m an Aries” or “Pisces” or whatever your sign is. But your personality is so much more complex than that, and so is astrology. The difference between sun signs and moon signs Sun signs are important and offer a lot of insight into your personality. However, these 12 signs are a simplified approach to astrology. That’s because they only focus on the position [...]

What is Human Frequency and How Can You Raise Yours?

The Law of Vibration The Law of Vibration states that everything is constantly moving, shifting, and vibrating. This early twentieth-century theory by Albert Einstein suggests that when matter is broken down into smaller components, it enters into a different realm where everything is made of vibrating energy. What is Frequency? Frequencies are based on vibrating cycles. Faster vibrating cycles mean higher frequency, and slower cycles make a lower frequency. The measurement of vibration cycles per second is called Hertz. A frequency of 500 cycles per second would be 500 hertz (Hz).  What is the Human Frequency? Humans are no exception [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:26-04:00October 11th, 2017|Feature, Personal Growth Articles, Spiritual Healing|0 Comments

Happiness Comes from Within

What is happiness? Happiness is a feeling, it is a state of mind where we feel pleasure and enjoyment.   Unfortunately, in our culture, the true feeling of happiness is often hard to obtain or is fleeting as we mentally equate happiness with achievement and the fulfillment of life situations and material things. Regrettably, material things and achievements do not provide lasting happiness; although they may give us some joy, this type of happiness never lasts and dissipates rather quickly as our mind wants new things or starts to focus on the things that we don't have. Happiness is a State [...]

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