spiritual growth

Tap Into Consciousness and Reach Your Potential

Have you ever felt stuck in your life? You’re not alone. That might make you feel a little better, but it doesn’t really help you get un-stuck. So what does? Well, you can consult countless books, podcasts and life hacks to change your situation. But there’s one thing they have in common, and it’s a problem. The problem is that these tools often tell you that the solution to your problems is outside of yourself. So, we forget about a powerful tool we already have inside: consciousness.

By |2019-12-18T14:22:02-05:00October 14th, 2019|Tarot Articles|Comments Off on Tap Into Consciousness and Reach Your Potential

5 Tips to Enhance Your Meditation

Meditation is among the oldest forms of self-enlightenment, dating back thousands of years. Even today, it's practiced by tens of millions of people throughout the world. If you're thinking about meditating, however, you should follow these tips for an easier and more productive session. Maintain a Positive Mindset Meditation refers to a broad range of practices that are designed to reduce stress, increase energy, and develop a greater love, patience and compassion for others. Therefore, it's essential that you maintain a positive mindset throughout the process. If you are stressed about work, finances or a relationship, it may negatively impact [...]

How to Improve Your Aura Energy

Although invisible to the naked eye, every man, woman and child has an invisible force surrounding their bodies. Known as an aura, it's believed to play an important role in our health and well-being. When our aura energy subsides, we are less protected against disease and illness. When our aura is strong, on the other hand, we are more protected against adverse conditions. So, what can you do to strengthen the energy of your aura? Soak in the Sun The sun's powerful UV rays can strengthen your aura, supplementing your body with much-needed vitamin D while reinvigorating your cells. A [...]

5 Fun Facts About Palmistry

Palmistry Dates Back Thousands of Years Think palmistry is a modern practice that was just recently pioneered? Think again. Historians believe palmistry originated thousands of years ago in India. During this time, the Hindu sage Valmiki wrote a book consisting of 567 stanzas titled "The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry." The practice soon spread to other regions, including China, Tibet, Egypt, Persia, and many European countries. Palmistry was Suppressed by the Catholic Church The Middle Ages saw an emergence of the Catholic Church, which gave way to new laws arguably designed to keep the church in power. What's [...]

Relaxation Techniques to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Do you experience regular bouts of stress? While some people assume stress is harmless, it can negatively affect both your body and mind. According to the website StatisticsBrain, 77% of the general population experiences physical symptoms caused by stress. This may include increased blood pressure, sweating, insomnia, weakened immune system, fatigue, etc. Thankfully, you can relieve stress and anxiety by engaging in one or more of the following relaxation techniques. Mantra Meditation Mantra is a Transcendental Meditation technique that involves silently repeating a word or phrase in a quiet, distraction-free environment with your eyes closed. Your "mantra" can literally be [...]

Top Aromatherapy Oils for Spiritual Development

Aromatherapy has been used for both medicinal and spiritual purposes for thousands of years, with some of the earliest known reports dating back to the ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Greek civilizations. As you may already know, it involves the inhalation of natural fragrant compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mood, cognitive function, or mental and/or physical well-being. Aromatherapy can also be used for spiritual development purposes, assuming the right oils are used. Lavender Who doesn't enjoy the light, stress-relieving fragrances of lavender? Originating out of the Mediterranean, this beautifully colored herb has become synonymous with aromatherapy. Lavender has [...]

Rituals to Cleanse Your Spirit

Most of us routinely clean our homes, cars, rooms, office spaces, and even our bodies. How often do we cleanse our spirit? We all know we should take better care of ourselves, so here are a couple easy ways you can incorporate cleansing your spirit. Take a Saltwater Bath Often referred to as "The Tears of God," salt plays a key role in spiritual health and cleansing. It's able to expunge negative energy, giving our body and mind a fresh start so to speak. If you are looking to hit the reset button by flushing negative energy from your spirit, [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:42:00-04:00February 24th, 2016|Feature, Personal Growth Articles, Spiritual Healing, Videos|1 Comment
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