
Tap Into Consciousness and Reach Your Potential

Have you ever felt stuck in your life? You’re not alone. That might make you feel a little better, but it doesn’t really help you get un-stuck. So what does? Well, you can consult countless books, podcasts and life hacks to change your situation. But there’s one thing they have in common, and it’s a problem. The problem is that these tools often tell you that the solution to your problems is outside of yourself. So, we forget about a powerful tool we already have inside: consciousness.

By |2019-12-18T14:22:02-05:00October 14th, 2019|Tarot Articles|Comments Off on Tap Into Consciousness and Reach Your Potential

How To Use Your Mind To End Suffering In Your Life

Come on, can you really use your mind to end suffering in your life? That probably sounds a bit gimmicky. But we’re not talking about a secret magic trick that makes your troubles disappear in a poof. Instead, we’re talking about your mind. And how you can use it to create or eliminate suffering. It all depends on you. Most people want to end suffering. And it’s safe to say that you do, too. So, let’s explore this concept together, shall we? Suffering and pain are different We often think of pain and suffering as interchangeable, but they’re not. And [...]

Mindful Ways To Connect With The Earth’s Energy

We are not separate from nature. We are part of it. Yet, our modern day lives are very good at separating us from the earth’s energy. This schism leaves us fractured and disconnected. Countless people suffer because they’ve lost touch not only with the earth’s energy but also with their own nature and their own inner wisdom and energy. The earth’s energy is the perfect remedy for this modern-day disconnect. When you open yourself up to receive the earth’s energy, you can restore balance and start a powerful process of self-healing. The Earth’s Energy and Your Body’s Energy The earth [...]

What is Human Frequency and How Can You Raise Yours?

The Law of Vibration The Law of Vibration states that everything is constantly moving, shifting, and vibrating. This early twentieth-century theory by Albert Einstein suggests that when matter is broken down into smaller components, it enters into a different realm where everything is made of vibrating energy. What is Frequency? Frequencies are based on vibrating cycles. Faster vibrating cycles mean higher frequency, and slower cycles make a lower frequency. The measurement of vibration cycles per second is called Hertz. A frequency of 500 cycles per second would be 500 hertz (Hz).  What is the Human Frequency? Humans are no exception [...]

By |2019-07-16T15:41:26-04:00October 11th, 2017|Feature, Personal Growth Articles, Spiritual Healing|0 Comments

Connecting to Source: Guidance from Today’s Most-Loved Spiritual Teachers

There is so much more to life than the physical world. Nonetheless, the physical world is very good at distracting us from the spiritual realm. It can be challenging to connect to the Source amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. So, let these spiritual teachers inspire you to reconnect again. You’re much closer to the Source than you realize! Deepak Chopra “Human beings are made of body, mind, and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness.” Deepak Chopra’s is reminding us that our human nature [...]

How to Cope and Handle Spiritual Uncertainty

It’s unnerving to experience a dark period of doubt and skepticism, especially if you’re a spiritual person. It’s like getting lost in a deep forest – so confusing! If you’re currently struggling with spiritual uncertainty, these tips can help you deal with it, while also give you some much-needed comfort along the way. Everyone Has Doubts Sometimes Spirituality covers all religions and belief systems. You can have faith in God, other deities, angels, spirit guides, Ayurvedic wisdom, an abundant universe, energetic healing systems, etc. Your faith in any of these things is based on your conviction that they’re true. Unfortunately, [...]

Ways to Activate your Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is helpful for regulating your mood, sleeping patterns, and energy levels. Activating your pineal gland will cause it to produce hormones that keep some of the most important aspects of your life balanced. These four ways to activate your pineal gland will help to keep your stress leveled and your mood bright. Meditate Meditation is a great way to learn how to direct energy to certain parts of the body with practice—including the pineal gland. Meditation can also help activate your bioelectric energy, which can garner a good response from your pineal gland. Sleep in total darkness [...]

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